Saturday, January 17, 2015

What Inspires You?

Inspiration is one powerful word that acts like a physical force that pushes people either to their goals or doom. We are inspired each and everyday as we encounter people or live our individual lives. They are various ways in which people can be inspired or in my own word, pushed.
Each day, we are faced with problems that are unending and tend to weigh us down but what keeps us going and inspired is the thought of that little 11 month old child trying to take his first steps because he is inspired with just the fact that his reward is that cookie sitting on the table top. That my friend, is a form of inspiration. Anything, I repeat anything can be a source of one's inspiration be it a still object, a crying baby, a movie, an old man, an animal, or a book, all of the above can be that thing that want to make you bring the best out of you at any given point in time.
As for me, I have become open to be inspired by anything on earth or flying up in the sky because I now see everything as either a challenge or they are made to unleash the beast in me. The more I look at things deeply, the less I am prone to undermining them and more eager like a hawk who sort after its prey until it finally gets it mission accomplished.


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