Approximately a week from now, the most anticipated love and romance movie would be out in theaters. Fifty Shades of Grey which is set to be in theaters on the 13th of February, 2015 just in time for Valentine's Day has already been getting a lot of wave and controversy over it's content, which entails lots Of erotic sex and love making .
Some countries like Malaysia, have decided to ban the movie from showing at their cinemas or being sold based on the reason that it is more of a pornographic movie.
According to Columnist Telegram,"the Malaysia's Film Censorship Board has deemed the film, based on E.L.
James' bestselling novel, as "more like pornography than a movie."
Probably, they are not far from the truth because the trailer says it all.
As for me, I am not sure if I am excited to see this movie or not but let's see how the movie weekend goes.
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